What is TD Snap® Express?

TD Snap® Express is an intuitive page set designed for simplicity and ease of use. It supports growth in communication and language skills by using phrases and words to build messages. With decreased navigation demands and easy-to-find vocabulary, any caregiver or communicator can get up and running quickly using theme-based pages to communicate.

Rotating screens of TD Snap Express pages

Features & Benefits

With TD Snap Express, communicators can access words from an 18-button grid, optimised with the following key benefits and features:

Use with ease

Get started quickly with minimal training. Navigate intuitively with a theme-based structure that puts the most common words and phrases within immediate reach. Personalise vocabulary efficiently. Boost motivation by helping the communicator express themself more easily.

Speech therapist showing a child how to use a communication device.

Communicate naturally

Use the access method of your choice to make selections from a single grid of 18 large, easy-to-select buttons. Follow the natural flow of conversation and understand the intention of messages more easily.

Child using TD Snap Express on a Tobii Dynavox speech device.


Benefit from an extra set of built-in resources, including a tool to create books and photos, a whiteboard, visual supports, access to our PCS library, and a keyboard for letter play and spelling practice.

Child in classroom looking at TD Snap by Tobii Dynavox.


A set of self-guided video tutorials about TD Snap to deepen your knowledge as a professional, parent or caregiver.

Tobii Dynavox Learning Hub